Cable Clamp Bracket

About this product

The Cable Clamp Bracket (#58239-42020), an essential component in the Body Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system and the Body Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, plays a pivotal role in securing and positioning cables for optimal operation. Serving as an anchor, this auto part holds cables firmly to avoid movements that could result in damage or disconnection. As with all auto parts, the Cable Clamp Bracket (#58239-42020) can deteriorate over time. When this occurs, cables may loosen and disrupt system operation, potentially leading to critical failures. To avoid this, periodic replacement of this part is crucial. Remember, for optimum compatibility, using Toyota's genuine parts is advisable. Not only are they designed for perfect fit, but they also come with the peace of mind of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Cable Clamp Bracket (#58239-42020) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of the systems it serves. By ensuring cables are properly secured, it maintains system integrity and performance.