Front Floor Hole Cover

About this product

The Front Floor Hole Cover (#58136-51010), a critical component in the Body Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel, Body Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member, and Body Rear Floor Panel & Rear Floor Member systems, serves a dual purpose of preventing debris entry and reducing noise intrusion into the vehicle's cabin. As it sits beneath the vehicle, it encounters road debris, grime, and water that over time can lead to wear and tear or even damage, impacting its performance. Replacement with a genuine Toyota part, which is designed for vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is advised. Without suitable maintenance or replacement, a worn or damaged Front Floor Hole Cover (#58136-51010) could allow unwanted noise into the cabin or even harmful debris, negatively affecting the overall comfort and safety of the vehicle. Consequently, a well-maintained Front Floor Hole Cover (#58136-51010) enhances the efficiency and safety of the entire system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58136-51010

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